You can bring 1 suitcase (50lb limit), a carry on, and a personal item like a purse or a pillow. If you are bringing an instrument that does not fit into your back pack, please contact your leaders. Remember, you are responsible for carrying your own luggage.
Please print this out and check off each item:
____Passport (please don’t forget this!).
____FOR PUERTO RICO-your driver’s license.
____For Bolivia and Scotland, BRING YOUR VISA INFORMATION (this includes passport photos and any/all documentation you’ve been asked to bring via the phone/email/and blogs).
____Your yellow fever certificate (Bolivia)
____Any luggage fees/departure fees/entrance fees/visa fees as discussed on your blog and emails (the cash amount we asked you to bring-Bolivia, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Mexico 2 and 5, DR, Peru, Nicaragua, Kenya, Costa Rica, Philippines, Uganda)
____Spending money
____Sleeping bag/pillow/sheet
____Water Bottle: you can buy a $10.00 Nalgene at Training Camp if you don’t have one
____Personal hygiene items-shampoo/conditioner/soap/toothbrush & toothpaste/feminine products/razors/deodorant/ etc.
____Baby wipes
____Band aids
____Girls, If you bring jewelry, please do not bring anything expensive or flashy.
____Hand sanitizer
____If you take any medication, your leaders need to know about it and you will need to bring enough for the trip.
____Plastic plate, bowl, cup, and cheap silverware to leave in country (Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Amazon, Kenya).
____Bug spray, sun screen, aloe, etc.
____long (to the knee) shorts/capris
____clothes to sleep in
____T-shirts/modest tops. You must be able to raise your hands over your head and touch your toes without seeing skin on your back or stomach.
____One piece bathing suit (for girls). Please bring shorts to wear with your swimsuit. Guys: trunks only
____shorts/leggings to wear under skirt
____Underwear/socks, etc.
____Shower shoes (flip flops)
____Closed-toed shoes
____Chaco style sandals (if okay in your location)
____long pants
____Snack-style items (granola bars, breakfast bars, gum, crackers, etc.
____Drink packets (Gatorade, kool-aid, etc.)
____1 jar peanut butter
____1 jar jelly
____Rain Jacket or poncho
____Dramamine (if you tend to get car sick or airsick)
____Zip loc bags (gallon and quart size). These are lifesavers for packing… you can roll your clothes in them and they will stay fresh. Put all your liquids (pb, jelly, shampoo, sun screen, bug spray, toothpaste, etc) in a ziplock bag in case they burst.
***REMEMBER to pack all liquids, aerosols, and sharp objects in your luggage!
-NO CELL PHONES- when you land in Atlanta you will all get to call your parents and let them know you got in safely. Make sure your parents know your team blog address! We will update them from there during the trip!